Get more
reviews and
more business.

Double your monthly reviews in less than 60 days with textable review invites, automations, and AI-powered replies—all in one easy-to-use platform.


Grow Through
Customer Trust

Authentic reviews drive sales by connecting with consumers and showcasing real experiences. Customers who actively engage with reviews are 4X more likely to convert into paying customers, while enjoying an average 28% higher basket value.

In-store Reviews

Collect in-store reviews for trust and credibility across your retail locations. Don’t miss out on valuable feedback from offline customers.

Merchant Metrics

Analyze customer interactions with reviews using Session Replays & Analytics. Gain insights into ROI by tracking their journey and key events, like interactions with review widgets on your website.

Net Promoter Score (NPS®)

Enhance data collection strategy with Surveys. Distribute NPS Surveys via email or specific website pages. Create detailed customer profiles from valuable insights.

Third-Party Review

Consolidate and manage third-party company reviews effortlessly. Ensure a consistent reputation with Reputation Manager while optimizing review search results on Google Local.

Drive more foot traffic
as the #1 rated business
in your area.

93% of customers say online reviews had an impact on their buying decisions. With Podium, you’ll bring more customers in the door with better and more frequent reviews, just by texting and automating review requests.

Rank higher on Google,
and get more business.

With more 5-star reviews, your business will rise to the first page on Google when potential customers search for businesses in your area. By becoming the obvious choice, you’ll convert new leads faster with your stellar reputation.


Get Stars Next
to Ads

Seller Ratings can boost your ads CTR by up to 17%, improving the performance of your paid marketing. They lower the cost-per-click and build trust at the first point of contact, helping you capture top-of-funnel traffic before your competitors.

Get a free Google reputation report.

In partnership with Google, we can create a comprehensive report about your business’s online reputation, including your strengths and weaknesses.